In line with the advocacy and promotion of the use of statistical classification systems, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Biliran conducted municipal-level training, coordination, and field visits to Local Government Units (LGUs) on the Adoption of the 2019 Updates to the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) and Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) in all LGUs in the province from 20 May to 06 June. The activity is a back-to-back undertaking with the PSA-LGU Data Sharing (PLDS) and compilation of 2023 Provincial Product Accounts (PPA).
The one-day face-to-face activity was attended by Business Permit and Licensing Officers (BPLOs), Municipal Treasurer’s Office (MTO) staff, Municipal Planning and Development Coordinators (MPDCs), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) representatives, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) staff, and other technical staff. The training, coordination, and field visits aim to capacitate LGUs on the importance of PSIC and PSGC, assist the non-adopting LGUs to utilize PSIC and PSGC in processing their Unified Business Permits Application Forms; discuss data sharing; and strengthen PSA-LGU partnership towards data sharing, generation, and production of quality, timely and comparable industrial statistics at the national and local levels using the PSIC and PSGC.
Supervising Statistical Specialist Arthur R. Collanto and Registration Officer I Virgilio L. Cinco, Jr. were the resource speakers assisted by Information Officer I Patricia Ann D. Pedrosa and hired PPA Statistical Analyst Jackielou V. Manco. The presentation discussed the overview of the training, statistical standards and classification systems, and PSIC; and rules in classifying economic activities using the PSIC. There were also coding exercises to test the knowledge of the participants. The resource speakers have given flat reference files and dynamic search facility for the PSIC and PSGC to the participants.
It is hoped that the activity will strengthen LGU’s knowledge in processing LGU Business Registers using the PSIC and PSGC and harmonize from e-Business Permit and Licensing System (e-BPLS) in terms of statistical classification systems with PSA Listing of Establishment (LE), Statistical Business Register (SBR), and compilation of PPA.
For further information, please contact this office at telephone number (053) 507-8122 and email address at biliran@psa.gov.ph.
Approved for release:
SGD. Renavil V. Cueva
Chief Statistical Specialist