13 December 2024 - The Philippine Statistics Authority Regional Statistical Services Office VIII (RSSO 8) spearheaded the conduct of the last meeting of the Regional Inter-Agency Committee on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (RIACCRVS) VIII held at Hotel XYZ in Tacloban City. Chaired by PSA RSSO 8 Regional Director, Wilma A. Perante, the committee discussed the status of the various Resolutions drafted, endorsed and approved for 2024 covering initiatives for Civil Registration, education, social services and National ID concerns. For the new business, Registration Officer III Marife R. Molon presented the National ID Authentication Services imparting the benefits of the Integration of the Authentication Services especially in the business processes of the government service, local government units, private and financial institutions and other relying parties.
RIACCRVS Vice President and Local Civil Registrar of San Policarpo, Marvin O. Morallos shared that it is indeed beneficial especially for the Local Civil Registry Offices in the region to make use of the services. He further moved a motion enjoining the Department of Interior and Local Government and all member agencies for the Integration of the National ID Authentication Services to strengthen and secure the data validation. Another agenda discussed was the submission of Agenda Items for 2025 on or before 15 January 2025.
The RIACCRVS was established on 08 July 2020 and is composed of regional line agencies, private partners and non-government organizations. For inquiries and further information, you may visit the PSA’s official website at www.psa.gov.ph or contact our office with telephone number (053) 839-1884 and email address rsso08@psa.gov.ph.
Regional Director