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The Philippine Statistics Authority’s ONS-Legal Service Data Protection and Security Unit (DPSU) led this year’s celebration of Privacy Awareness Week held from 22 to 26 of May 2023.

With the theme “Empowering DPOs and Protecting Personal Data Privacy Rights of Filipinos,” the event aimed to emphasize the critical role of Data Protection Officers in promoting responsible use of personal information and protecting the data privacy rights of Filipinos. Also dubbed as #PAW2023, it also aimed to increase data privacy awareness and celebrate those who are making a difference. 

As a culminating activity of the PSA PAW 2023 celebration, the DPSU conducted a program via Google Meet on 26 May 2023 with a total number of 412 officials and personnel from central and field offices.

Atty. Eliezer P. Ambatali, Director III of the Legal Service and the Data Protection Officer said that Privacy Awareness Week is not just an activity of the agency but a nationwide activity which was launched by the National Privacy Commission.  He emphasized that the celebration is important because PSA is one of the agencies in the country that handle Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information.

Topics discussed during the program include “What is Privacy Awareness Week?” led by Angelyn A. Vacunawa, Administrative Officer II and “Empowering DPOs and Protecting Personal Data Privacy Rights of Filipinos” led by Willy Jr. V. Gamiz, Administrative Officer V, both from the Data Protection and Security Unit.

As part of the activity, Mr. Ramil Oribia, Administrative Officer V facilitated the Kahoot Game to engage the participants and enhance their knowledge with regard to data privacy.

Atty. Kristine T. Bartolome, Attorney III of the Legal Service wrapped up the event by thanking all of the attendees for their participation. She hopes that the participants gained a lot of knowledge about data privacy through the Privacy Awareness Week celebration.

Proclamation No. 527 signed by former President Rodrigo Duterte declared the last week of May of every year as Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) which encourages all national government departments, bureaus, agencies, government-owned or controlled corporations, state universities and colleges, as well as local government units and the private sector to participate and assist in the activities of the celebration.






Director III - Legal Service
Data Protection Officer

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