Background of the Survey
The Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) for the First Quarter of 2023 was administered to twenty-four (24) randomly selected walk-in clients of the Batch Request System (BREQS), seven (7) clients requesting for Verification Slip/RV Tracking/Electronic Endorsement and Certificate of Registration of Authority to Solemnize Marriage (CRASM) with four (4) applicants with a total of thirty-five (35) clients answered for the province of Northern Samar from January to March 2023. Simple random sampling was the sampling method used in this survey. The sampling variables used in determining the respondents for the survey were from the PSA Satisfaction and Feedback Form (SFF) questionnaire the clients answered.
Satisfaction Rating is measured as the percentage of clients interviewed during the reference period who were either satisfied or very satisfied with the Philippine Statistics Authority’s Civil Registry Services while the Net Satisfaction Rating measures the difference between the proportion of satisfied and dissatisfied clients.
Survey Results
Profile of the Respondents
Table 1. shows that out of thirty-five (35) clients/respondent answered the satisfaction and feedback form, 37 percent of the respondents were males while 63 percent were females. The table also shows that all 35 respondents reported that their residences are within Northern Samar.

Table 2 shows that respondents have highest satisfaction on Courtesy and Professionalism. Knowledge and Cleanliness with an NSR of 100 percentage point for the 1st quarter of 2023. Timeliness of release of product/delivery of service got the lowest Net Satisfaction Rating with only 71.43 percentage point respectively. These is due to the prescribe time or number of days in delivering and issuances of the civil registry documents because of the temporary closure of CRS Serbilis Outlet in Catbalogan, the assigned outlet of our BREQS and CRS Outlet of Tacloban cater our daily transaction in which it is much further than catbalogan and has a huge volume of transaction every day.
Overall Net Satisfaction Rating

In figure 2, about 94.55 percent of the respondents expressed satisfaction, wherein 70.39 percent were very satisfied and 24.16 percent were satisfied. 1.04 percentage of clients were dissatisfied for this year 1st quarter compared to last year 2022 in the same quarter in which no one expresses dissatisfaction. There were 4.42 percent of clients said that they are neutral.
The overall net satisfaction rating (NSR) for this year fourth quarter is lower of 3.53 percentage points compared to last year rating of 97.04 percentage points in the same quarter. This must be due to the late releasing of documents to clients for this quarter.

Figure 3. Shows that most clients requested civil registry documents through BREQS Northern Samar with 69 percentage points, followed by those clients who requested Verification Slip/RV Tracking and Electronic Endorsement with 20 percentage points while 11 percentage points comes from CRASM Applicants for this quarter.
Summary of Respondents Comments
The respondents were also made to write comments and suggestion to further improve the services at PSA Northern Samar. Out of 35 respondents only four (4) expresses their comments in the submitted questionnaire. Two respondents wrote positive comments from CRASM and two negative comments which all comes from BREQS Clients. Below is the summary of the positive comments on service, employees, process and facilities made and reported by the respondents.

Prepared by:
Registration Officer II
Approved by:
Registration Officer II
Chief Statistical Specialist