Table A. Year-on-Year Inflation Rates, All Items
In Percent

Figure 1. Monthly Inflation Rate Northern Samar:
April 2023 – April 2024
The Inflation Rate (IR) of Northern Samar has decreased to 2.0 percent in April 2024. This IR is 0.5 percentage points lower compared with the 2.5 IR a month ago and 4.4 percentage points lower than the recorded 6.4 inflation in the same period last year. The province IR is 1.6 percentage points lower than the Regional IR of 3.6 percent.
Three (3) out of six (6) provinces and one (1) HUC, in Eastern Visayas posted lower IR compared with their figures a month ago, while the remaining three (3) provinces and HUC, has a higher IR.
Out of thirteen (13) commodity groups in the province, three (3) commodity groups registered lower IRs while four (4) commodity groups registered a higher IR during the month in comparison with their rates a month ago. Whereas, six (6) commodity groups retained its IR. The IRs resulted to a 0.5 percentage point decrease in the overall IR of the province for the month of April 2024.
Figure 3. Inflation Rate by Commodity Group,
Northern Samar: April and March 2024
The decrease in the province inflation was mainly brought about by a lower annual increment in the food & non-alcoholic beverages division that has a 97.5 percent share to the trend of April 2024 inflation for all items and 103.2 percent contribution to inflation for all items, with a current IR of 4.6 from a 5.9 IR in March 2024.
The food sub-group has registered a decrease of 1.5 percentage points from 6.3 IR to 4.8 IR for the month. This group represents a 97.5 percent contribution to the trend of April 2024 inflation for all items.
This can be traced to the decrease in cereals and cereal product group from a 16.5 IR to a 12.3 IR. Rice has a significant decrease from 21.4 IR in March 2024 to a 15.8 IR for the month of April 2024. This represents 79.3 percent contribution to the trend of inflation for all items and 91.1 percent contribution to April 2024 inflation for all items.
Flour, Bread and Other Bakery Products, Pasta Products, and Other Cereals also exhibit a decrease of 0.1 percentage point with its current IR of 2.4 from a 2.5 IR in March 2024.
Fish and other seafood also posted a decrease of 0.9 percentage points with its current IR of 3.4 from a 4.3 IR. This corresponds to a 5.6 percent contribution to the trend of April 2024 inflation for all items.

Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels has decreased in IR for the month of April 2024. This can be traced in the decrease of electricity with a 45.2 percent contribution to April 2024 inflation for all items.

Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco commodity group registered an increase in IR from 0.8 percent in March 2024 to 1.8 percent in April 2024. That is, 1 percentage point increase, with a 2 percent contribution to this month’s inflation for all items.

The Health division also posted a slight decrease in IR from 0.3 to 0.2 for the current month. This marks a 0.2 percent contribution to inflation.
An increase in the following divisions can also be observed:
a. Clothing and footwear, (0.2) percentage points; and
b. Transport, (0.3) percentage points;
Whereas, the following groups retained the previous month’s inflation rates:
a. Furnishings, household equipment and routine household
maintenance of the house at 12.9 percent;
b. Information and communication at 0.0 percent;
c. Recreation, sport and culture at (-0.3);
d. Education services at 4.1 percent;
e. Restaurants and accommodation services at 0.0 percent; and
f. Financial services at 0.0 percent

(Supervising Statistical Specialist)