(based on the Results of the 2015 Census of Population)
Males outnumbered females in the province of Biliran.

Of the 171, 612 total population of Biliran in 2015, 51.1 percent or 87,622 were males while 48.9 percent or 83,990 were females.
Across municipalities, Naval recorded the highest number of both males and females at 27,930 and 26,762 respectively, while Maripipi registered the least population at 3,704 males and 3,455 females.
All municipalities had more males than females in 2015.

There were 104 males for every 100 females in the province of Biliran.
The total population in the Province of Biliran showed that there were more males than females. This resulted to a sex ratio of 104 males for every 100 females.
Males exceeded females by age group.
From under one year until the age of 59, male dominated the population of the Province of Biliran. Female population, on the other hand, started to outnumber the males by age 60 up until the age of 80 years and over.
This implies that females have longer lifespan than males, or that females are more likely to reach the senior citizen group than males. In general, the same trend was observed across the different municipalities in the province.

There were more males as compared to females in both the working and dependents age group.
Of the 7,119 total young dependents (0-14 years old), more than half or 3,667 were males (51.5%) while the rest or 3,452 were females (48.0%).
In contrast, there were more females among old dependents (65 years and over) accounting for 909 females (59.8%) of the 1,519 total old dependents while the males were 610 (40.2%).
In terms of the working-age population (15 to 64 years old), males outnumbered their female counterparts comprising 6,052 (51.9%) of the 11,653 total working-age population as compared to the 5,601 females (48.1%).

Seventy-nine percent of the heads of households were men.
Majority (79.0%) or 30,440 of the 38,518 total household population were headed by males, while 8,078 or 21.0 percent were headed by females.
Other municipalities in the province reported more males than females as household head.

There were more males than females who can vote.
In 2015, there were 100,086 Biliranons who can vote (18 years old and over).
Of these, there were 50,496 males while there were 49,590 females accounting for 50.5 percent and 49.5 percent, respectively, of the total voting population.
There were more males than females among never married.
Of the total population ten years and over, 43.6 percent were never married while 35.8 percent were married. The rest of the total population was categorized as follows: in common law/live-in marital arrangement (14.0%), widowed (5.2%), divorced/separated (1.4%).
Among the never-married persons, a higher proportion of males (55.8%) than females (44.2%) was reported in 2015. Meanwhile, the proportion of females was higher than males among those who were widowed (75.8% females as compared to 24.0%), divorced/separated (50.7% as compared to 49.3%), in common law/live-in marital arrangement (50.9% as compared to 49.1%), and married (50.6% as compared to 49.4%).
Across municipalities, the same trend was observed except for the municipalities of Cabucgayan, Culaba, and Maripipi were there were more males that were divorced/separated than females.

Males exceeded females in terms of religious affiliation.
Of the 171,612 total population of Biliran, more than half (51.0%) or 87,622 males have religious affiliations while the rest (48.9%) or 83,990 were females.
In Biliran, Roman Catholic was the majority’s (85.6%) religious affiliation in both males and females.
Among the top five (5) religious affiliation in Biliran, there were more males than females among Roman Catholic, Aglipay, and National Council of Churches in the Philippines while there were more females among Evangelicals and Seventh Day Adventist.

School attendance rate was higher among males than females.
A total of 52,158 out of 71,469 household population five to 24 years old were currently attending school in Biliran.
In 2015, there were more males who were currently attending school in Biliran. They make up 51.3 percent of the household population 5 to 24 years old while females accounted for 48.7 percent.
There were likewise more males than females who were currently attending school across the different municipalities in Biliran.
Among females, a higher percentage (74.9%) of females among the total female population were reported to be currently attending school. Meanwhile, about 71.3 percent of the males among male population 5 to 24 years old were currently attending school. Moreover, more females among age group 15-19 years old were currently attending school in 2015 as against the other age groups of 5-9, 10-14, and 20-24.

More males were literate than females.
In 2015, about 98.1 percent of Biliran’s household population ten years old and over were literate. The proportion of literate males (50.6%) was higher than females (49.4%).
A total of 64,795 males out of 128,075 were literate while the rest or 63,280 were females. All municipalities in the province had more literate males than females.

More women were able to attain higher levels of education than men.
Of the total population five years old and over, about 43.1 percent had attended or completed elementary education, 30.9 percent had reached or finished high school, 9.6 percent were academic degree holders, and 7.9 percent were college undergraduates.
Among the 9.6 percent or 14,534 persons that were academic degree holders, majority (52.7%) or 7,658 were females while 47.3 percent or 6,876 were males. Likewise, a higher percentage of females (62.4%) pursued post baccalaureate courses than males (37.6%).
Across municipalities, the same trend is observed except for the Municipality of Almeria where there were more males than females among academic degree holders.

Seven out of ten Biliranons who engaged in gainful activity were males.
In 2015, 62,972 of the household population 15 years old and over were engaged in gainful activity.
A total of 42,382 males and 20,590 females engaged in gainful activity in 2015. This accounted for 67.3 percent and 32.7 percent, respectively.
Males dominated their female counterparts in all major occupation groups except for the managers, professionals, clerical support workers, and service and sales workers groups where there were more females than males.
Across municipalities, there were likewise more males who were engaged in gainful activity than females.

Majority of the overseas workers in Biliran were males.
In 2015, a total of 2,648 Biliranons were overseas workers.
Majority (70.9%) or 1,877 overseas workers were males while there were 771 female overseas workers accounting for only 29.1 percent of the total overseas workers in the province.
Chief Statistical Specialist