This is a report on death statistics gathered from the monthly submissions of civil registry documents by the Local Civil Registry Offices in the Province of Biliran. All data presented herein are preliminary tabulations.

A total of 282 deaths were registered during the 4 th Quarter of 2022. The largest proportion (43.62%) of death registrations was contributed by Naval with 123 deaths. Meanwhile, Maripipi recorded the least among the municipalities with 13 registered deaths (4.61%).
Of the total death registrations, 278 (98.58%) were timely registrations while 4 or 1.42 percent were late registrations. The Municipality of Naval had the highest proportion of timely registration at 44.24 percent. On the other hand, the Municipality of Almeria and Kawayan recorded a total of two (2) delayed death registrations or 25.00 percent share, respectively.

By sex, there were 158 male deaths (56.03%) which is higher compared with the 124 females (43.97%) during the 4 th Quarter of 2022. All municipalities followed the same trend except for Almeria, Biliran and Kawayan where more female deaths were recorded than male deaths.

From the preliminary tabulations, most of the registered death incidents in the province during the 4 th Quarter of 2022 happened to older people. The largest proportion (64.18%) of the death population in the province was aged above 60 years old. This was followed by age group 51-60 years old with 33 registered deaths which accounts for 11.70 percent.

About 64.54 percent of the registered deaths in the entire province during the 4 th Quarter of 2022 were unattended by any medical practitioner. The Municipality of Naval reported the highest proportion of unattended deaths with 24.73 percent followed by Kawayan with 18.68 percent.
There were also deaths attended by hospital authorities (29.43%), public health officers (4.61%), and private physicians (0.36%).

Vital statistics are derived from information obtained at the time when the occurrences of vital events and their characteristics are inscribed in a civil register.
Vital acts and events are the births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, and all such events that have something to do with an individual's entrance and departure from life together with the changes in civil status that may occur to a person during his lifetime. Recording of these events in the civil register is known as vital or civil registration and the resulting documents are called vital records.
Death - refers to the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place (postnatal cessation of vital function without the capability of resuscitation).
The period when to report the event
Death or fetal death shall be reported to the Local Health Officer within forty-eight (48) hours from the time of death and the Local Health Officer shall direct or cause the registration to the C/MCR not later than thirty (30) days from the date of death.